Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Driving Test Success Practical Simulator Problem

What a travesty - a waiter

for 1 week and is praised.
Hungary-The new media law - a shame for Europe
they say. What a joke. I live in Bremen and knows from experience the value of a so-called free press. Not for the ordinary German citizen, everything for the Social Democrats who call themselves the power apparatus of the city.

Young children are slaughtered under state control: the press interviewed the great reg mayor. True to the motto: now comes the SPD, now everything will be fine.
Who actually 50 years in Bremen, the Senator or Senator for Social Affairs asked? But not so interested, and already the press not at all in Bremen.
Otherwise I would have to spend today than 2,6 € for a registered letter. And much more, not really what you want, but must.

In Bremer Anzeiger, which is also controlled by the Weser Kurier, was on 19 December a article about the homeless in Bremen, which are hosted for 25 years as the Consul-Hack-field house Christmas Eve.
"wait tables" This year, celebrities. Including the reg. Mayor Böhrnsen.
So the representative of the party that creates the homeless first. What a joke. As if these people a different person interested, if it brings no advantage politischne. As here. Have a heart for Homeless, or similar.
I wrote to the manager of the house. With a request for presents. Einschreibnummer: RK 8528 6334 3DE.

There shall no yes and no can say they knew of nothing. In the event of cases, sometimes the most peaceful people just leave it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What Does It Feel Like To Have Meningitis

pays the difference between an asylum seeker and a "just-German" citizens

The court spoke of a "barrier to access to asylum procedures", the "respect human rights after the currently manageable state appears at least very doubtful".
And the EU sees it as well. The investigations as to whether homosexuals in watching porn in this area erections, or whatever out. To determine whether the claim to be persecuted for homosexuality is right.

products that this court is an administrative court in Schleswig-Holstein.

The Bremen administrative court and OVG ditto, sees it not to be doubtful that an auditor is not present medical certificates in his report indicates, it is still doubtful that the very medical certificates will be evaluated by a medical officer.

So much for democracy and rule of law in the EU. Bremen is a state of the Federal Republic of Germany to do so.
the way, upsetting. Judge. At that time. Today: State Council.
Torsten Prange: At that time prosecutor. Today, Judge, Court of Appeals Bremen.

Name Of Ship Parts With Diagram

's her own Christian image of man of the Green B .

Who his way has relied on the asylum law will be recognized quickly as a rule and get the full benefits and the costs for housing and heating. Minister says the CSU Haderthauer.
What I say? Would be nice if this would also apply to "just-German."
K r POLICY FDP and the Greens and the SPD, FDP and Greens reacted immediately, accusing Haderthauer cynicism. The chairman of Parliament's Committee on Social Affairs, and Labor, Brigitte Meyer, said that such a setting fit "does not apply to our Christian man that should apply to us particularly for the weakest of the weak."
When I put this message of this Green -doped Brigitte Meyer fascist hear, I get only the sick. If this lady, "our", then says she meant only their own world view. And in that sense is "Our Christian image of man" applies to members of a religion that has only 200 suras ban for infidels in their holy book irrefutable.
Weak? € 323.56 a month. Cash. But for all areas of life. approved the rule of law.
Who cares? No one. One is "just-German."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Manfrotto 344b Tripod

Meyer shithouse-characters of the SPD, the rule of law

S § § Characters
or: finding words in a democratic

I have been asked long, at least since the statement "there is no alternative" to pay the debts that other countries have made with full knowledge of how such a one in a democratic state to word formation is to describe the condition. Where not to forget, however, is they are real people who explain this situation to be democratic and lawful. So the quasi carriers of this condition.

One day I came across this question on the right track. On the Internet, we have the freedom of expression diced 2 participants in a discussion forum. I mean, though, both parties had the same ancestors, but this did not prevent one from reading the other to get off. To that effect, with German culture, it is not so far ago, Iraqis and Egyptians have already had sewers, when the ancestors possessed not even his opponent on the achievement of a shit house and therefore stood to these people also what a German is entitled to social benefits. They also enriched our culture.

shit house. I read it, I thought, that's it and noted it. Shit house. The first foundation stone on word formation was found. Today we have a sewage system, and in this wandering around among other animals that the people of these latitudes are not pleasant. In other latitudes they are even able to eat is considered a delicacy, but in the western latitudes as though they may Cartoon character, chef, but otherwise - no. But I want it, despite its appearance and other Eigentscahften associated with its genre, not to offend the animal rat. After all, it is in the biological sense, a living being. And who knows what useful services does exist in nature for all that.
So I went first on the search. On the web. And I found nothing. No species of rat with the name. So I wrote the second word, and came to the first word formation. Shit house rat.
Man. The people. I will not offend. Whether someone is or a large or small, slender, thin or thick, smart, or less, schönund / or ugly, etc., etc. - yes, there can be nothing to like a nature has equipped.
But people also have characters. And a character belongs among others how to behave towards other people. Particularly if you held a position in the area of responsibility for life, health and physical livelihood of other people.
And for these people I have looked for a word formation. And they have found "damn house characters. That seems the right word retrieval for people to be entrusted with the power to them other people's mastery of the cultural technique of reading and understanding and bring them to deny everything that belongs to the identity of a person.
you the ability ascribe to the mastery of this technique when it comes to pay money.
addition to the 26 letters used to describe all of our concerns and are regulated, there are the numbers 0 - 9
This is the identifier of a shit house character: RR 8647 2664 4DE.
What distinguishes this character first and foremost as a shit house character?
The shit house character identifier: OVG Bremen Case No.: B 29 S 1 / 06

Manfrotto 344 B Tripod

323.46 € to 397 € subsistence debt

This morning I received a letter from a collection agency. € 397.06 debt to the creditor, an insurance company. The result, based on non-payment of an insurance (Privathaftplicht) at the expense of takeover was (allegedly) has a legal right, for example if you receive benefits under ALG II, also called Hartz4.
As this debt is created? This I say now only one thing: Take 323.46 € and try to make do with the money for a month. About 5 months. And in the 6th Month you expect to me, how much debt you incurred solely by such things as not timely payments of telephone bills, etc.
The cause of this debt is the official consortium, called in Bremen Bagis. being the first person to name the section manager, Ms. Hauck is. The number of government employees to go on the weitter Amtsrat Wiesner and ends with the Justikarin the Senator for Social Affairs and Others, Ms. Lang.
on the court level of the administrative court, it starts with the judge Hagedorn and ends with the judges of the Higher Regional Court of Bremen crush, crush.
kommmen given yet registered letter to the Managing Director of Bagis, Peter Schneider and Senator Rosenkötter.
But all these men and women with a secure job, a 13, and 14 Monthly salary and other benefits that brings to life with officials close to the statement of the Head of section at Mrs. Hauck, I have a `net` - income of 220 €.
What was undetectable available from 09.01.1006. Due to the demand of the Bagis in the person of the Official Council Wiesner. Detectable. Up to specify the Official Council Wiesner, already in August 2006, there was the Office (Bagis) are known.
and recognition as in December 2006, the court must ensure that there is no Nettoeinommen more, is abgelehtn the required I pay the subsistence basis of which, I have a Kaufinteressentin for my apartment and from there I could but without benefits from the taxpayers my living contest.
Signed: Stuckey. Presiding Judge of the Higher Administrative Court of Bremen. SPD member. Today (2010) State Council for Justice in Bremen.
For me, this State upsetting a human rights criminals of the most disgusting of all grade. And the system that promotes such characters is based and protects different from the Ditaturen that existed on German soil, only a touch - it's still disgusting.
And today Senator for Justice is a member of the same class.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pokemon Fire Red Hacking On Mac

Bremer CDU - the ridiculous in person

on yesterday there was at least something to laugh about. The CDU Bremer presented their candidates for election to citizenship.
What a collection of heads with no charisma and no sense of something that is commonly known as "popular" means. The woman
Mohr? is as ridiculous as the former interior minister Röwekamp, who was depicted on the posters in the last election campaign. And has been used as a "strong mayor". Whom, actually? Where it but before the Turkish citizen M. Kurnaz had crawled up his ass, or his supporters as he was "torture victims" have been. And then there was the volleyball player Ba, he called himself, because the blacks had a bruised antenna on the car, and found some little note in his mailbox on which some not very intelligent insult was that was hyped as a racist smear campaign by the press . Verify whether he has written this note, perhaps not even to improve its bargaining position in the contract extension has, of course, no one in this BREMEN.

And - Lüllmann? Pharmacist is the lady. With doctorates. Ever seen the instructions and information on threats to the pack, even the most benign drugs read?
But she had a PhD does not even know whether it is right that an officer may issue a Bremen Tetansuspritze as "tablets" and must evaluate them taking medicine. To the effect that such a tablet so it did not affect on the human organism. And with the "oh-so-rechtsstaaatlichen-Bremer-administrative jurisdiction" just an intestinal tear in Bulbusbereich to "stomach" is. And even if the crack was first detected intestine 3 days later, the tetanus shot in the morning and putting together custom in the early evening were on the same day.

Röwekamp and Dr. Mohr-Lüllmann "have one thing in common: no charisma, no sense of the realities of people outside their natural range and not even so much political power instinct, you need to know how to relate to the being of the voters must reach in order just to get power. What Others heard, to gain some popularity.

choose But - they want to be elected by the ordinary German citizens. Their living conditions are of no matter to them like that. What is partly because states appoint a Muslim as a candidate. But every day in Bremen is one of the everyday terror of the Muslims, especially exposed to the Turks.

And the lady Motschmann. Petitonsausschuss chairman of the Bremen citizenship. For the waved, when an ordinary German citizen receives from the Bagis Bremen 5 months only € 323.46 a living for all areas of life. Rejected. All legal. What interests the debts that have accumulated by this.
Sleeping under bridges? Bremen seems to be so secured and free of charge.

For the former "strong Bürgermeisterkandidt" can be a demonstration of citizenship because of a dictum in one session. Just the way the pilot group. the SPD she is of it reveals, and even the absurdity this democracy. Actually. But if the
Röwekamp is too stupid to demonstrate why the Sieling, it must offer a demonstration of self-retaining. And the literary-scientific term for example "hyperbole" certainly know both "cost-causing experts in the field of law and democracy.
not really need and Keier in the country this kind of expert as there is no Wieterer professionals from the fields of Psych Logie, Politiologie Sozialpädagokik . Interation etc. for unwanted migrants need

Friday, November 26, 2010

Do I Get W2s For Nys Disability

The "German-only experiences AN: humiliation by SPD

is here today in the world under the title. "SPD in crisis - a humiliation People's Party," What occurs to me here Actually, just A time to sue to offend. What besides me still at least hundreds of thousands have a right.
humble, humiliate and to pay for it also can = this is the policy of the SPD against the people whom they purport to represent their interests.

This party has brought generations of so-called little people to the performance of their working lives. Someone had the bad luck, which also fell over and under Hartz4, the parties had resolved their life insurance, no matter what brought them to surrender value. Grandfather had a little saved up for his grandchildren, or completing an education insurance, had died and the insurance was as to the daughter or son Erziehungsberchtigten the grandson of the management had to resolve this this insurance, or sell the accumulated funds. Had someone bought a private pension (like me), for example by a condo, it had to be sold, proceeds irrelevant. The same applies if the house itself worked out, or flat according to the requirements of the legislative work to Hatz4 überdimoensioniert. Then had to be sold. W
It benefited the banks, insurance companies and the people that such values had not purchased, or have never paid into the Sozaisystem. Here zuvördert the so-called immigrants. Because they have never paid into a social wel, they have to prove anything, they may well in their home country level have such values. not
Since the SPD ruled, they take everything in laws back from her reign. And say also, whether exceptions from the nNachteile Hartz4 had suffered.
If so - why then pays the exception does not return to what you have deceived them?

And before the actual legislation in Germany THE WORLD writes about the "humiliation of the People's Party, SPD. This is a pure insult to all that, being chased by the policies of the SPD today, to be drawn again to have blood and even ridicule must by statements such as: Why not sell their apartment, but then They receive ALG II benefits.
Why you because no debt? In the legal framework but we pay the interest on your loan. Etc.., Etc.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Apple Juice Making Toddler Urine Smelly

Az 01-5 and PET 3 -17-41-8250-016298

Have a concern in this country and then you can be the first one and when next due Az produce more Schriftstükce. The
am I the PET Committee of the Bundestag ger send a message of responsible REntenversicherugsträgers take me so far into trouble as I had written down all the numbers, Az and sonsites already in the letter. And - at least I thought it expressed the problem clearly to have my Fales.

hardest is the answer from the house of "The Senator for Labour and Social Affairs ...". read
Without passing f by a lady from the senators office to a conductor giving the staff at the Office-Social Services. "Uh, brooding, Knobel, I did not do anyway with employees at this very place?
How However - in such processes, we know how could it be that the small child, "Kevin" quai transported under government supervision from life to death was (a leg, like a banana included)
foreseeing I write to go there again, there is. a politically responsible and this is the woman senator Rosenkötter.
should for just in case I freak times in the face and maybe someone comes to harm.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Plans For Building A Pool Triangle

SPD Schulz = fascist: how true you

As I read in the news, has a British EU parliamentarians SPD Schulz called an "undemocratic Fasch". How true! What
also to the entire party is true, I experience it every day. SPD which are red-painted fascists "Only they are much bolder than the last in Germany
example:.... The rule of justice in the SPD Bremen
legal help you will have a low income, why is that I need no rent.? .? pay Why not The apartment belongs to me you are wealthy, you are not entitled to legal advice

event of the SPD in Bremen... "Human dignity is central to the action" is said Bring it before the "Holocaut. jurisdiction " before in this exact Bremen, it is not even mentioned. No wonder with a presiding judge of SPD upsetting.

Marketplace of Bremen. Parteimirgleider the "red-painted fascists, so SPD advertise against health reform.
Who is in Bremen from the medical reports on people?
officials, in my case, Lehmann / Long from the house building and the environment are.

And there is nothing to find fault with everything, a "second disease" invented, which the reviewer maybe even overlooked the first report added.

rule of law blessing of the SPD-fascist judges upsetting. Today, State Secretary of Justice.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Yasai Katsu Curry Sauce Recipie

need as defined in accordance with § §

§ § 60 fff (SGB I) present documentation. Otherwise, we reject your application.

Strangely, I put on the case, why should I submit documents that do not apply.
why I wrote the Senator for Social Affairs and blah, blah. Mrs. Rosenkötter to.
Einschreibnummer: RK 7522 8956 ODE.

spoke And also still the same the thing that was not paid out to over a period of 5 months, I am entitled to benefits. Although I had submitted my documents so well.
Of course I know that the so-called democratic senator will be a damn care about it. Finally, I sent her so already 2 letter.
The lady senator is not the Amtsrat Wiesner in her office Is it true that you announced in March, the VG Bremen that BG21402 since September 2006 had no more revenue from rental income: in the matter and ask BG21402 quote?
And even if it should happen, the senator Rosenkötter will never ask to get the idea: And why do you always have previously stated the opposite?

And even if this should happen, and should prate of Amtsrat Wiesner something about missing files from the Bagis at the time of processing, the lady senator Rosenkötter of course do nothing more. Except to ask themselves: what does the BG21402 for it? It has yet nachgezalht. (In rates after 6 months)
And anyway, when the people have no money, then it should seek the advice anyway. Why do we have the budget of the debt increased by 500,000 euros!

match for the Justikarin the Office f. Social Affairs, Mrs. Lang. Of course, the lady senator will never ask the lady long, why she has indicated in SAC process only the file number of legal proceedings in a VG thing. But neither the ref, where there are the file number of an administrative court, the file number of the parent BWG Leipzig, has even mentioned, but proudly trumpeting:
BG21402 receives all the benefits due to him by law. (€ 323.46 a month for all areas of life Other revenue. O.)

But in case of emergencies, the time a person like yourself I, who now tends Sun not at the violence, the pressure he is exposed, no longer stand up and austickt, perhaps with consequences for others, I do it before, publicly, under which mental-degrading pressure, I the part of the official rule of law and government 'm exposed.

And I would like as well as the refugee Al-Sa `navel ... i" after the attack of people here can take in the street and destruction of property for me to claim the same right as stated in the letter from the Prosecutor 200 Js 2752/02 states: "In the view of the treating physicians (in hospital Bremen-Ost) was the time of the crime accused not criminally liable, so therefore the Proceedings against him had to be stopped. "

Ah, what it still is in Bremen for an open minded tolerant and socially conscious policies.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Public Groping Trainmovies

jobs in the migration industry backed

Yesterday, the Lord Mayor of Bremen SPD Böhrnsen got excited about it, that will be closed in em Bremen district Gröpelingen soup kitchens need, and other facilities for the poor. guilt is of course the "black-yellow".
may be interior minister Mäurer attach themselves to the interior ministers of the glory of the vest to have made sure minors are allowed to stay in D, even if their Parents should be deported.
What is not different than the "jobs . Integrations/Migrations- the industry identified "and to have created new jobs in the
INTEGRATION / Mig - Indutrie are: social workers, political scientists, psychologists, lawyers and all the order of groups that must be available to persons from the parasite groups available . they may successfully integrate into German for D.
die in Afghanistan and elsewhere, in D. pay taxes, etc. anyway, and people who are pressed to the death as - "just-German" citizens may listen then, debt is at all, "Black Yellow". Non-red-green, not red-red (Berlin) and anyway not the SPD.
The provides and promotes yes. The redistribution of tax money into his own pocket in the pocket of her voters, civil servants, workers in the migration industry and especially Turks. So voters. And the Turks choose D to 65% SPD.
And I can Rumschlag addition to everything else that still, after encounters with aliens are screaming in the streets and / or walk around the shops the day of my headache.
And rotate it "terror alerts" through all the newspapers and broadcasters. Should it pop yet. If it caught me - well, then I'm dead. If not, then I can amuse kaprioeln about facing who hurl the German best-man-plus politicians Anhag again how innocent but most of Soch elongation of very dear fellow citizens of Islamic origin, and all of which are directed to great Intergrationsmassnahmen in the way in order to escape the terror of the ground. And can you never completely rule out anything.
with only a German citizen you can. By selecting him off. How? First notice that he is a danger to the community in road traffic. Although the "just-German" citizens have never caused an accident. But he can not prove that he could not cause. Until he goes to a traffic expert, the certifying his driving ability, which has denied him the first referee. Because one can not exclude that the "only-German" citizens had had an epileptic seizure, even if nothing is measured by EEG. And of course, that's all Rechtssstaatlich perfect.
Including, according to the men and Böhrnsen Mäurer of the SPD.
Even if official authorities assessed without medical training the "intestinal tear" at the "German-only" citizens.
was probably the expert to Schödel to deal with such a certificate. Az VG Bremen 8 K 1849/01.
before Böhrnsen SPD entry entirely to politics, he was judge at the administrative court of Bremen. He was in charge involved, paufzubauen the court for "just-German" for constitutional Holocaust extermination Maschenerie.

asylum seekers, and other foreigners have of course always right (and money) from the German constitutional state.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Is A Dysphoriac Person

torture is studied in Greece - In Bremen

Article 5 of the Universal Erklärng of human rights. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment "

On yesterday, I received by Prof.Dr. Haselbeck a reply to my letter dated . 08.11.210, No. RK 7522 8802 5GB
"your presentations, I could not understand at all points and share your beliefs is not" (see picture below)

"Today in the news. take anti-torture guards Greece targeted. Even in prisons and detention centers
prevailed partly catastrophic conditions.
The detention centers are overcrowded, the refugees could be washed almost had no soap or even toilet paper, criticized the experts. "
I was neither soap nor brush, nor any other, which is located in a toiletry bag. 5 days. On 6 days afternoon brought me by a friend What matters in Bremen hospital responsible.?. Senior physician Dr. Seibert Chief Physician in Charge:... Prof. Dr. Haselbeck
was on toilet paper but I have

On May 10, I was of the Turkish citizens Kebec attacked. The Muslims wanted to cut my throat.
you know like the sleep of animals like this? I do not know, it can but imagine. Days and nights I was herded with the Muslim in a ward together. No way to avoid.
Haselbeck: ".... and do not share your beliefs. "

But he, like no other have brought this out of the torture experienced neither these days as I do, they have taken no trauma like this. What the
Bsp.dazu out that I must go on the railway, because the noise around me I can not endure, including heart palpitations. Particularly if you look at the people whose "faith" they are. Or am unknown of my (new neighbors talks Lute must listen.

"Torture is the added psychological and pysisches suffering groundless" induced sleep deprivation "is one of the instruments.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Masterbate Wearing Overalls

Afghans allowed with a German passport to Afghanistan

The coverage of the Weser Kurier proposes the barrel from the ground. Sailed Tern Krönig today Afgan in Germany. Misanthropy ... pure German for the normal population
Yesterday an article about Kroening, one of those Social Democrats who Bremen led into the abyss Ausgerchnet this mendacious SPD bigwig is presented in cooperation slope with Kaisen
What we can say is. Kaisen would never "Turkish" family is supported surreptitiously here in Bremen for 20 years lies under the tax money of hard-working German taxpayers and be rewarded for it too (stay right). So that the German maintenance allowance is secured.
Kroening but aht these criminal Schamrotzer supported. And as much money as for the so-called "Lebanese family" of allegedly - was spent so the coverage in the WK-"native Turkish-Lebanese border area" from the GENC-family (the child support payments in D. to 9 members, having grown family, the cost for lawyers, medical care, etc., etc.) - have so much and have no generations of German workers' families deserves. Even if the Bremen shipyards would keep it flourishing in the 50/60iger years. What they have not.
Kroening is, moreover, a lawyer and refused as a member of the Bundestag, the German Bundestag, its income must be disclosed.

And then an article today about so-called "Afghan refugees". 18, 21, 24 years old. With great jobs in Afghanistan. In any case, 2 of them. had fled to Afghanistan at a time when free elections. Democracy. Interested in sports. On tennis.
I think the so-called "refugees" stamen from upper class families in Afghanistan (such as the family of the "warlords" are) and it is a bottomless contempt for humanity about the welfare This Afgan in D. worrying to pity them, while dying in Afganistan young German.
And this war is the normal cost German taxpayers billions upon billions.

German soldiers out of Afghanistan and the German "civilian peaceful post there.
DH all Afgan with German passport, which here have such great professionals such as doctors, lawyers, social workers, and, and, and.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Is Flybe Strict With Hand Luggage

law euthanasia via Prange

Yesterday I read , in Herford had a judge all decisions against speeding canceled because the radar controls the traffic safety should be promoted, but in first place, more money was revenue.
The Last Days is here again in Bremen again about the "emetic use" reports. In this case a few years ago a black drug dealer was killed.
If you read the reports we read of "doctors" how and what they have duties, etc. are found at any point, an employee of a public authority, for example the police, prosecutor judge the medical Sachververhalt Agreement.

What, however, is quite normal in Bremen. If this is the case in a "just" German citizens' concerns.
as in an evaluation of my health condition of two medical reports were not given, I asked after a long period of ignorance on the part of the job that I anschrieb therefore, a criminal complaint against the doctor who had embezzled, and officials from the authority, which gave the medical evaluation.
nothing. The prosecutor, who treated the ads and saw nothing unlawful is now judge of the district court of Bremen. Would bring interesting to know whether he even in this case "emetic" is active?

Anyway, I'm of the view that all judgments in which the judge was involved Prange theory, be repealed.
A man with such a conception of basic rights are not legitimate, yet at all to judge people.
judgments where this judge participates, particularly when it comes to others and therefore physical health needs of people, are initially classified as a "law-euthanasia."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Garrison Iii Wood Stove

German News: Jew Proper + Fritz P.

As every year stood yesterday in de papers an account of the 9.Nov.1938. In Bremen, was the guest of honor of the Frederick Bremer Jew Proper a moving speech. In it he said he did not say that even after the 2nd World War, he was a Jew and which way his family and he himself behind.
As for me but very reminiscent of my father. Silence, say nothing. Seek refuge. He told me after his resignation from the SPD, after the coup of the party Oskar Lafontaine, says that his mother, and because he himself also, in the Third Reich "stateless" has become. And this has also told. "Then came the turnip in the slide" this sentence I will never forget. But it does not tell you yes. He said.
papers. He said he had no papers. But at least one he had. But I was only after his death in December 2006 in the hands. "Toll Free The granting of German citizenship revoked in November 1943

Well, what Abtammung his mother and that my Grandmother may have been -.. They were no less German than the Germans with flawless ancestral pass, like the vast majority of German Jews have been.
Today, the times have changed. Pure Jews devoted much attention (and money), offspring of naturalized revoked Germans in the so-called democratic Rechtsstat Germany hounded worse than in the 3rd Reich.

What I can think of only VG Bremen 1849/01. With the realization that Bremer administration of justice, "Holocaust-justice". Ever since my life
consists only of two components: Stigma and
arrangement of basic rights by:
TBI = traumatic brain injury and condo = condo.
This continues to this day:
Amtsgericht Bremen, legal advice. Presentation of proof of income: how to live from this money, that's very little ". I need to pay any rent," Why not? Heard you the apartment? "Yes." Then you are wealthy and have right to legal advice. "

I do not know what was allowed to come to the expert examiner of my father always to the conclusion it had more" ostische Mekrmale as a Jewish angle.
I only have the impression in the 3rd Reich, despite dictatorship over the human condition than it is now in the democracy of the parties.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Labeled Ships Main Parts

€ 323 is enough for only German

with assets in the form of a Condo. to be paid for the land transfer tax must.

Yesterday I wrote a letter to the Senator for Justice and Constitutional Affairs in Bremen.
Personally .'s already poor when the person is the cause, for which I am threatened with imprisonment, in that same State Senator is.
time was the first upset of State Presiding Judge of the Higher Administrative Court of Bremen and found it to be completely rule of law, which was me over 6 months only 323 € a month as ALG II paid. For all areas of life. When it could no longer be ignored, since I no longer had my other income since September 1, 2006, gave his view of the current State law continues to maintain. Now, on the ground, I've got a Kaufinteressentin for my apartment and need therefore not benefit the taxpayer, because ultimately ALG II was funded by taxpayers' money. Great. Too bad - but just for me - I Kaufinteressentin with no bills can be paid and so on. But this must indeed a civil servant status - Also free in the judicial decisions - are not interested SPD member. The
Einschreibnummer is: RR 8647 2664 4DE.

Today I sent a registered letter to the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag Einschreibnummer.. RR 8647 2577 2DE
The petition is based on the fact that in a social court decision 7 years of rebuilding, to get a final reply

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nadine Jansen Carribean

registered RK7522 8802 5GB Halfmeyer

items. above Einschreibnummer I have a letter to Mr. Half Meyer wrote. Do you want to know who is Mr. Halfmeyer. Mr. H. is the head physician of the Hospital Bremen-East and those who feel comfortable in Bremen, white, which is associated with this clinic.

Why I am the head doctor of the clinic So Mr. Meyer helped anschrieb? This is because I got my problem because of the "retirement thing" by a neurologist information where I could contact me. A department of the above clinic is one of them. Unfortunately, there was
I refused. And was given an information sheet on how to apply for a psychoanalysis. But I have problems only because of my pension case in which I found manovöriert this state because of the conduct of its authorities, only inside.

So I've seen something in my files and lo and behold - it was there. The news of the prosecution Bremen to a complaint against a man who had attacked in the street people here. The ad was refused. Reason: the man was irresponsible. According to the report Hospital Bremen-Ost.
was strangely the man until the day before for this very Krk. was released after one night because he had just not to the community ".'s why it was dangerous, the police had to call for help first derm not arrested
testimony of a policeman." Oh no, not that we do. We already know. Just yesterday attacked again in the inner city people. "
But he was always out of the Krk. Bremen-released often. Perhaps because he was Muslim? A help-seekers from Iraq?

What I have written to the chief doctor Mr Halfmeyer? In essence, really just the question of what to do, so that one of my problems takes time?
Linked to the hypothetical question: if I should perhaps be even violent. Really. As the Lord e-Sai. Or the Lord Keb. Oh
weia. Hypothetical. Such a word. In Bremen where not even the most educated forces of the social and democratic state, the very simple grammatical "if - then" understand construction. If it is raining outside, then take an umbrella with. A senior doctor at the Hospital East, Dr. Seibert not understand this sentence construction as well as for example the doctor Dempsey from the same department. They are very serious view when the one says, then it rains. Undetectable
for example at: ref: 4 W 11.4 O 5t c 49 283/04 230/04 XIV

The exact wording of the senior public prosecutor, de Boer to setting of the investigation against Al-Sai. "According to the doctor had treated the accused is not criminally liable for the crime was committed, so that had to be closed the case against him."

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cluster Seizures In Golden Retrievers

advice - from the gas chambers Rechtsstaatsvariente

and after an encounter with Islam by Turks Güsten

RR808785831DE BE

This is a Einschreibnummer. Addressed to the EU Commissioner for Justice, Ms Viviane Reding
Since many people in our fast forget everything that is the lady who got the ball rolling by France because of his handling of citizen of other EU countries under a specific set in the pillory presented and the expulsion from France as "deportations" a comparison made by Germany during the Nazi regime carried out.

In this letter I have pointed out Mrs. Rensing, there was in this period not only deportations, which I ultimately "criminal" was called, but also other measures that deserve this title as well, namely "opinion".
this, I described it the case of my father, who was deprived of my grandmother in 1933 and now living as a stateless person in D..

My case is that I because of a report should be both mentally and permanently destroyed my Sung was attacked, and will be. The so-called rule of law. By the state to protect the public, it was started.

What I can say is: Were the 3.Reich reports, which were made without scientific proof to the detriment of patients "criminal" then they are today. The appeal to the rule of law replaces no scientific evidence.

I have called it the file number of the prosecutor. The saw no violation of laws. Although the reviewers detected it in black and white present medical certificates in his opinion, which I took the physical existence and a day to the destitute, not stated. She suggested. But
A civil service representatives to assess the medical certificates
I undertook the EU Commissioner called the name of the prosecutor and the position in which it operates today.

After I deliver the letter, I went through the press building pass and read the Weser Kurier, Bremen's sole daily newspaper. Susan has a
Güsten - as always - says the Turks question. Although it is actually about Islam in general.
But however, the comment is such an arrogant stupid that you should quote this really just a verse from the Quran and to ask a question.
But to give an example: education and humanistic thought are indeed the cornerstone of our European, or Western value system. What denouncing Güsten. In that they accuse that same proponents of this European value system, they tried to force Islam to take a similar development as Europe had behind. But that need not Islam. He would go his own way to modernity.
Häääh? For those who want to force any Muslim country to go through European history?
There is but one small fact. We are in Europe and the people who are attaching the islam came to us, not us to them.
Why must we accept European human Islam in everything he wants, or not?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Trafiona Przez Piorun Online

Handle column 2.0

The bell rings at the door. As I stand now, at home, nude, due to the heat of 37 ° C. I question what is going through the door and get told that it related to the conversion of the telephone line. A little surprised and I'm shorts and a T-shirt and open the door. There is a man who remembered after his appearance, habit and gesture at very Stomberg, only with glasses. He has a map unfolded on the arm, provides a form that is ready in her, with my personal data to fill.

I wonder what it is. He contends that in this area would the telephone network converted to the digital network and we would anyway have fun with Alice still our flat rate. I say yes. With the 6000 line, he adds. Again I say yes. Exactly me Stromberg confirmed again and sets me to explain that to me now, by putting a digital network, a 16 000 lines would be available, as well as a free customer hotline.

I'm confused. Alice has a paid hotline and I've never experienced that a phone company by sending an employee to announce the selection of a network and then also that from now on the hotline is free.

Stromberg recognize my puzzled expression, and repeated what was said: digital network is connected, 16 000er line, Free Hotline and here's what new, a credit of 120 €, so my costs would currently 29.95 per month in the first year amount to € 19,95.

Now I am even more confused than before. There should be a new network with more bandwidth, the hotline is to be free and on top of it should I still get a 120 € credit? Is it Christmas already?

He had only my name, address and phone number to write down in a few days, I would then come a call from the Service Center, everything would still confirm times. I'm still confused. Stromberg I would point out that he has my data yet. But he says, but here's that must be made. He made no agreement, everything would remain with me, as it is, phone number and everything but it would have to absorb the data. I want to let in him already, but ask him to wait briefly, as my friend was still naked back. Stromberg replied, yes, if my girlfriend was naked, then he would come more naturally prefer. Slowly, I really think that the real Stromberg is with me in the door. My friend has been pulled over and asked me what warning glance if I really want to. Stromberg looks a bit uncertain. He had seen her in the apartment. I explain to my girlfriend about the benefit of foreign benefactors of great news. Stromberg raises again, repeat everything again. However, This time he even mentioned that in the transition to the digital network Vodafone Simply take all customers with Alice over.

Now it begins to dawn on me slowly and I wonder frankly whether it is in our conversation to change providers, by Alice go to Vodafone. Stromberg confirmed this I am disillusioned. Relatively short, I am clear that I do not intend to change. Stromberg asks if he won with a flyer with the offering as may be. He may. After the door is back, I'm more and more to their senses. I realize that was just trying to cheer me under a 24 month Vodafone contract. Stromberg has concealed until recently and confirmed only on demand, that when the all talk to changing service provider is. Instead, he plays the gentlemen of the office, just wants something new can be connected.

My friend saved me from going to a mountain stream in the case and given me a good proposal for the future: re-hang the old signs that say "banned begging and peddling.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

How To Clean Virus Without Antivirus

hotel lobby cheering

While the FDP in terms of value-added tax cut deals now back-pedaling, the CSU is still very convinced of the measure. This has also Markus Ferber, head of the CSU group in the European Parliament (from 03.07.2010) in an interview radio in Germany reconfirmed. The main argument: the reduction of VAT for hotels is a question of European convergence. It means that profit almost everywhere in Europe hotels from a reduced VAT rate in Germany and should now be to reduce distortions of competition in Europe.
Ferber used in the interview the following formulation:

So I would ever point out that this is not about pork-barrel politics, but about in line with European conditions. From our neighbors are just the Danes the only country that does not provide for reduced VAT rate for hotel companies. So it is here to competitiveness in the international environment.

The German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA) also supplies the same combined the best numbers in a pretty map of Europe.

is it all a competitive advantage? Well, surely it can only be one, if passed, the hotels, the tax reduction on to customers. Otherwise, the hotel room remains in the "international environment" as expensive and thus less attractive or unattractive as before. That there is a reduction in prices, but seems not to be in advance that what the hoteliers in had sense. So why then a further exemption in sales tax? This question of the policy reminds me of a quote from a Moby Dick adaptation?

"What is just What demon, which drives inscrutable beings and forces me against all the longing and love continue relentlessly, unceasingly, and forces me to deeds that my real innermost being would abhor? "

The answer appears in the case of hotels to be: Lobby Dick!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Pci Ven 1002&dev Driver

- brain, make a break. I

smiles rationally enlightened modern man on the muddlers operating astrological analysis. Often attempts to strengthen the astrology by setting aside such as the astrologer Winfried Noé, the planetary configurations of the past considered, and then in a history book, look to see have happened in what forms, for example, revolutions, wars or stock market crash. This can then "clearly" justified. For example, three times the opposition with Saturn the planet Pluto, Neptune and Uranus. Quite often, there were around during the period between 1863 to 1873. Heaven! We all remember, that was the time of the German-Danish war in 1864, the Franco-German War, 1870-71. Incredibly, in the truest sense of the word.

The modern version of this turmoil, today's stock market analysis, you get served up on radio and television. Since an attempt is made to the listener afterwards to explain why the DAX, a stock price or a currency up or down are gone. For example, the stock exchange reporting WDR 5 show "Profit" I've paraphrased here for eight days.

06/01/2010: The DAX
starts low and then turning into positive, because positive numbers come from the USA: Purchasing Managers Index and construction spending were higher than expected. DAX then shoots in a half hour up to 100 points.

short, the American buyers look so positive about the future and it will also be built much. Man, right-lasting positive news from the U.S..

02/06/2010: The DAX
starts weak, but then turns into a positive, positive real estate to U.S. figures.

short, somewhere around positive numbers, thus increasing the DAX.

The DAX positive start, but then came the unemployment figures from the U.S., which were disappointing and the fear of a crisis in Hungary, the DAX down rushes. And not only that, the rumors about a crisis in Hungary and the disappointing unemployment figures in the U.S. make investors cautious general, so well, as the euro has fallen to a four-year low.

Short: Unemployment in the U.S., although it fell from 9.9% to 9.7%, but analysts had expected more. This disappointment is portrayed as a reason why € and more shares were sold.

There are estimates that the weak German car manufacturers € 4 billion could bring more profit. Therefore, the shares the automaker clearly positive: BMW, Daimler +4% +3%. BMW was able to double its sales in China in May compared with May 2009 even. China is the land of dreams for the stock market, there are rumors that China's exports increased in May by 50%. Expected to have 30%.

short man, the weak euro is good, and suddenly China is buying German cars like there's no tomorrow.

The DAX increased by 1.2%, China continues to heat up the atmosphere. China exports more and more German luxury cars bought: Daimler and BMW now +3% +4%.

short, the Chinese, who still buy German cars.

fear for a English banking crisis, but the Spaniards (and Ireland) were able to sell their government bonds in the past weeks in financial markets. Therefore, there was no fear despite bank responses to a possible English banking crisis.

short, that has placed Spain in the past weeks has government bonds, always have.

way: Daimler and BMW was now -1.6% -2.7%. Damn! The Chinese have obviously stopped to buy German cars.

respond 15/06/2010
Many investors are currently very simple, very sensitive to bad news. That the DAX today still could gain ground is, including the American Exchanges. The Dow Jones is clearly positive and then Spain and Ireland have issued bonds for which there has been a strong demand, which is also interpreted as a positive sign (and helped the DAX.).

Short: English government bond act and act.

The euro has risen sharply because Spain was placed on the government bond market. The German car makers are looking forward to a strong demand from China, India, Japan and the United States.

short, thank God, the Chinese buy another German car! And English government bonds are a real evergreen.

In summary: The above market analysis draw people into the market the bright colors of the intellectual confusion. It appears as though he was tormented by hypochondriacal fears of bad news as well as Chinese growth of delusional dreams. Then the reduced unemployment in the U.S., but not as much as hoped. Welcome to reality Mr stockbrokers ... oh, they want to go again? are obvious, why play the positive news from the U.S., which came only days before and brought the stock to freak out, have no role? A severe case of Faktenamnesie? Or is the version of the stockbrokers Adenauer-word: "What I care about my talk from yesterday?"
to their talk of yesterday remember stock analysts but then like when we once again by chance like: As long as Daimler shares to rise, the Chinese the reason. If Daimler is, they say nothing, if Daimler is rising again, the Chinaman is back on the spot.

freely from Goethe:

I have, alas! I hollow nut,
price trends and a lot of message
And unfortunately, journalism!
All through, as my duty.
I stand now, I score low!
am And as wise as before;

analyst Hot, hot even skilled,
draw And then the x year
up and down, across and bent
other sales people and I also see stupid
And not that I just rate!
matter, as long as me who paid.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Goods For Sale After Royal Navy Cars Ships

's verb (l) oggt

Mea Culpa! Should I go for a protracted investigation regarding my post of 09th June 2010 apologize. Here I quote the "fortune-teller's checks blog" (WC Blog), 13.12.2008. They are saying the astrologer Winfried Noé had made in the magazine "Euro am Sonntag" Issue 3 / 2008, page 30, a DAX forecast, which should have been found to be completely wrong. I had ordered the magazine to add it in my curio cabinet. Turns out now that no fixed on it publicly astrological forecast was found, but an article on the topic, which initiate alliances in the aerospace industry.

Man, I was angry that I had shot 5.40 euros in the wind. Still, I was naturally disappointed by the WC blog. He makes an interesting and important work, but a false source and even breaks a long way away trust. I should have the same skepticism as the WC blog in his statements about the alleged Noé prediction is inconsistent. For the WC writes in the blog post mentioned above, 13.12.2008: Noé predicted in "Euro am Sonntag", Issue 3, 2008, during the post from 03.01.2010, is that the end Noé would have made 2007 in the magazine "Euro am Sonntag said forecast. Journalistic Peanuts, but if you can not rely on such information, why then the rest? The Post said the 01/03/2010 might include:

is equal Winfried Noé represented twice by the way, the end of 2007, his stock market expertise in the magazine Euro am Sonntag "with the following prognosis manifested" 2008 is a stable market year, the DAX end of the year by five to nine percent. "OK, that started with 8045 points, the DAX and trade in late 2008 just had 4810 points, it is likely Mr. Noé remember most unwillingly.

maximum reluctantly reminded of the WC blog seems also to his own source data from the year 2008. Instead, it is in 2010 now Noé had made the prediction in late 2007. Frustrated, I posted a comment to the post of 13.12.2008 on the side of the WC blog regarding the missing article in issue 3, 2008. Less than seven hours later, the toilet has responded to my blog comment and a correction attached: It was the Bulletin of 06.01.2008, page 30, where the DAX forecast by Noé is. The problem was that in the PDF version of the article was false, that he comes from issue 03/2008. In fact, I found the article in the online archive the "Euro am Sonntag" Noé says yes and the Dax in 2008 would rise by five to nine percent.

Now I was disappointed by the "Euro am Sonntag", because I had searched the online archives of the "Euro am Sonntag". But the people search returned too "Noé" exactly three goals: 12/29/2002

"bull, bear and bomb", edition 52/02 03:02:02
"oracle of good faith", edition 5 / 02
12/30/2001 "Sun, Moon and stock prices, "Output" 52/01

That's it. But where is the article from 2008? The full text search for "stock market astrology" or "star" did not provide the article (although both words have to pass in those). The search would have found the article, if I had known the title of the article, but who knows? The persons and full-text search of the "Euro am Sonntag" reminds me of the CDU party funding scandal. If you want a meaningful answer, one must know it is already in advance, otherwise it always was, "I know nothing."

Monday, June 14, 2010

Procedure For Registration Of A Church

Maastricht menopause

How proud was in Europe that the euro so strict stability criteria, the so-called Maastricht criteria have been introduced. Woe, woe, when a country does not turn held. Then, yes then, calls the EU Commission's excessive deficit procedure " and then the EU red tape fall out the front and back blue letters. The EU Regulation No 1056/2005 stipulates that

between the reporting of financial data proving the existence of an excessive deficit, and the decision to impose sanctions may be generally not more than 16 months .

If the Member State but is acting in accordance with the recommendations of the Council, suspended the excessive deficit procedure and it has more than 16 months, threatening to a penalty. It never came to impose a penalty for an excessive deficit procedure. This means that the system works absolutely fantastic, either, or Not at all. Let's see the figures of the last five years for the two long-term stability criteria. These specify that

1 should) be the public deficit not exceeding 3% of gross domestic product (GDP) and

2) the debt is no more than 60% of GDP

. The following two tables show the location of the last five years (source: Eurostat), the yellow shaded areas in violation of the relevant Maastricht criterion indicates. First

devote ourselves to the deficit criterion:

Only five countries have managed in the last five years, never to produce more than 3% deficit (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Luxembourg and Estonia). Only these countries have fairly balanced budgets brought to ways in which the expenditures exceed revenues by 3% of GDP exceeded. Greece and Hungary have met in the last five years the deficit criterion never Poland has in four of the last five years are not adhered to and the United Kingdom, Portugal and Italy have broken the mark in three of five years.

Now we come to the debt criterion:

Eight countries had in each of the last five years, debts that were higher than 60% their GDP (Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Hungary). But 13 countries still had less debt, including (perhaps surprisingly?) Countries such as Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, and Spain.

If you take a look at so one wonders whether the Maastricht criteria can ever be taken seriously? Perhaps we should, but few make it. In 2009, almost all EU countries tear deficit criterion, but five. Now you could say it was in difficult economic times, how it is. But if you look at what the five countries, the self-produced in the crisis year 2009 less than 3% deficit meet in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Luxembourg and Estonia. Wait, that are the same countries throughout the past five years, fewer than 3% deficit. These five had never more than 60% debt.
seems to me, that while it is normal, in economic crises have a larger deficit, but these deficits are, the higher, the worse the financial policies of the previous years was. Yes, it actually seems to have been so that a large part of Europe has lived beyond its means and the Maastricht criteria were able to prevent as little as a sieve can hold water. Currently it is again in fashion, a to discuss the change from feisty to a lax observance of the criteria. It is hoped that after menopause the Maastricht criteria to stop the budgetary policy of the EU countries to continue to look so old.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Clips With Jenna Jameson Nipples Pierced

Astro Winfired and the financial crisis

The last post was about the Starastrolgen (actually twice gemoppelt Star and astrologer) Winfried Noé said, who has proudly proclaimed in the mission Talk at Hangar-7 on Austrian television:

"I have a book in July, uh, June 2007 published, in which I wrote exactly that this financial crisis is massive to begin in fall 2008 and have also written, it runs until 2020 and we are exactly in this time window in it and it is expired just the same and I find it always amazing that it always wondered ... no one saw it coming this crisis "

I went to the library and got me the book.: .! turn lead through astrology with motivation crises into opportunities "Even on the cover is signed" With Noé future projections up to 2020 to go forward Welch, a voltage equal to the chapter "The forecast for 2007 to 2020" and read the 21 pages. . The forecasts are embedded in an interview that the co-author Noé, Erich Lejeune, out with it. Here's what Noé "exactly" on the financial crisis has written that is to be yes "expired just the same":

He writes not a word that the financial crisis in autumn 2008, a massive start. In fact, he writes only that have increased the money supply in the euro zone strongly to 2006 and continues spongy (p. 257):

"The consequences are awash with liquidity, which will be invested in stocks and drive prices higher. "

Noé seems mistakenly to warn, in a stock bubble. The interview apparently took place on 08 May 2007, as Noé said, that oil prices "today, on 08 May 2007, at 64 U.S. dollars is. "At the time, was the U.S. housing bubble already burst, however, the outcome remains to be seen .

What could Noé still with "accurate" description of the financial crisis have meant? Perhaps what is on page 257 continued:

"But woe to the speculation euphoria subsides abruptly, it is money only to soaring high interest to have, if the central bankers do not quickly do something about the rampant Geldmengengenexpansion [...]. the financial crisis, in which we control globally, will assume an even more unprecedented scale. With a view of the constellations I can only say, there will be even worse than we feared! "

From 2009 to 2012 ... Form.

Again no sound through fall 2008. Instead, the prediction that money will be to have high interest rates. The opposite has occurred, the central banks lowered interest rates even further and flooded the crashing markets with cheap money.

The search for the point at which "spelled exactly" is that the financial crisis in autumn 2008, enters fiercely, continues. Maybe on page 262:

"world policy, the years 2008 to 2011 with the participation of Saturn particularly exciting, with a peak in 2010, when Jupiter made up of May to October and December 2010 and in January 2011, a conjunction to Uranus . Similar Constellations we had the last time in the period from 1930 to 1933 [...]. It is crucial for development in the 30 years he was the last century, certainly the economic crash 1929-30. Such a crash can occur quite again, not least because of the clearly discernable climate change. "

So again, no fall of 2008. Instead, it is sometime in 2010 will be exciting and an economic crash will come from climate change. Well, not that sounds like a description of the financial crisis that has earned the title "expired just the same." The year 2010 is of course exciting, because of Greece and € crisis. But does not every year from May to December to offer something exciting? There is one bit of concrete would have been all right, especially for someone who has money on his predictions.

Last but not least a concrete statement Noé for oil prices. On page 271 we read:

"My forecast is that, due to a drastic shortage - under the Saturn-Neptune opposition - the price of oil by 2010 to 100 to 120 U.S. $, if not even rise to 150 U.S. $ . Then enter very rapidly a change of a technological nature and energy to this dramatic crisis situations for everyone at any time just as cheap as the internet information available. move Finally we are on Earth in a giant energy field. We just have not found the right way to use that energy. "

When I fill up the next time I go at least know that I can curse Saturn and Neptune for the price of oil. In fact, the oil price is currently at about 75 U.S. -.. $ So, well below the 100 to 120 "if not" predict $ 150 to Noé fact, we already had about U.S. $ 145 but that was in the summer of 2008, why not a shortage, it. speculation . Unfortunately, at that time was not the miracle of a "rapid turn" that led to cheap energy source. There is nothing of the generous Noé statement that his book any things "exactly", or more "accurate and correct," describes. What emerges here, not least to show that Noe does not even bother to say that gigantic energy field of the Earth's vision is based. Magnetic field? Gravitational field? Or spices-felt?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Free Serviette Folding

FDP - the patron saint of the stock exchanges and banks in crisis

Since its idea in a budget crisis, the tax cut, the FDP has been nothing more embarrassing. But now she has yet again surpassed themselves, namely the issue of financial transaction tax. This is indeed the purest rip off the citizens. Each bank transfer, for example, the monthly Transfers from a poor, poor Riester saver would be so taxed extra. As usual with the FDP in recent times, the argument is less heartbreaking than more harebrained. Who says that the financial transaction tax should be levied on normal bank transfers? Nobody, except the FDP.

This heavy lobbying from the fever could be good to Rainer Brüderle in the show Anne Will 30th May 2010 study. There selling the deputy national chairman of the FDP opposition to the transaction tax again with the assistance of Mrs. Will and guests in the studio, he would not tax additionally. Instead, it would be better to tax the bonuses and salaries of bankers. I must say that to tax bonuses and exorbitant salaries sounds like a good idea. This, of course, an additional transaction tax is not enough. Credit-control as a contribution to address the financial crisis and transactions tax to curb speculation. What becomes clear that the FDP here simply opens just a sideshow. In a strange moment of political schizophrenia are then Rainer Brüderle at Anne Will it be that such a tax makes sense:

"There is one area where they [the transaction tax] works, it works there, the computer trading and derivatives [... ] where it has effect. If they spread it to all, then pay [significantly to Mrs. Will turning] the bill of the financial market. "

Well then, do go. A rare triumph for a political talk show. Will take a politician to a moment substantive things to say. Even better, the words Brüderle are briefly before, when he then replies to that one but does not prove necessarily all bank transfers to the transaction tax:

"It depends on how it [the transaction tax law] embellish."

Man, that's one thing. You have to ask yourself involuntarily, who is currently in the government and to organize the whole thing make sense? It is, among other things, the FDP or is it the Hoteliers?

What Causes A Blistered Butt


The financial markets are in crisis because the top managers have speculated top notch in this area. verspekulieren But is also nothing more than to make a wrong prediction.

It is also the astrologer pointed, in particular the stock market astrologers. A particularly "successful" is Börsenastrologe Winfried Noé, where he also sold in all other areas of life astrological predictions. This master of his trade will have the current financial crisis surely be reliably predicted, right? Well, about as reliable as the German Railways in the winter: for the stock market in 2008 was Noé newspaper Euro am Sonntag the forecast that the DAX would rise by the end of five to nine percent. Instead the DAX fell from 8045 points to the commercial end of 2008 to 4810 points so around 40%. Since the Noé has but in fact contravene the first astrologers rule: Just do not give details! Astrologers have liked to stress that there can be no exact predictions, they were not serious. When they sell a lot more serious, however their vague visions of future events.

After Noé has the DAX 2008 so used to Astroklo, it is surprising that he in the show Talk at Hangar-7 of the Austrian private TV channel claimed Servus from 06.05.2010. He says he's in a book that he brought out in June 2007, written well that this massive financial crisis will begin in fall 2008. Well, this is fitting that the theme of the talk show "Great theories" treated. This is, of course, clever: the Euro am Sonntag said Noé 2008 requires a quiet trading year with respectable returns, while he sees break out elsewhere, his book, a massive financial crisis. Since it can hardly be wrong. In the said book, it will probably act to be in June 2007 published book "Leading through Astrology. I'm looking at tomorrow times more accurate.

Well, but that is with the astrologer. Who else in the future for possible holds, which is always right, or almost always wrong, depending on whether one counts the hits or the rivets.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

4 Weeks After Breaking My Leg

science and the brain in your pants

As the population keeps the faith in science? In general, one would think the scientists, the professors and doctors are trusted people in the know. This applies only as long as it addresses issues that have no fear of potential. We marveled at the colorful pictures of astrophysicists, particle physicists at CERN admired, is impressed by the advances in medical equipment. But alas it comes to diffuse fears, about things that you can not see, hear, smell, taste or even understand can (or willing). To things like nuclear power and radioactivity, electromagnetic pollution, pesticides or genetically modified foods. Then closes with the trust. Since then arguments could care less. No matter how many professors and doctors say that you could not see any danger, the majority are not accepted. It's enough to be afraid and you want only one thing: now get away with stuff.

This is a human train, succumb to scientists. A scientist from England told me the following story: His entire research career he has investigated the influence of electromagnetic radiation on biological life forms and found no harmful influence. When he jokingly the electromagnetic fields in the homes of his children surveyed, he found that the fields were particularly high at the head of the crib of his granddaughter. Then he arranged that the bed was changed.

The man is: we keep all of us to be reasonable, but if we get scared, then we slip next to the heart and the brain in your pants. And who is active in the pants? Well, as the Catholic Church, although it is sometimes more than she. In matters of emotional states like fear, sadness, despair can win the science a potted plant. This is the profession of chaplains from religious, esoteric or psychology. Once fear comes into play, our brain goes into neutral and can easily be towed by each, the main thing in the right direction: away from the one before whom we are afraid of and back into the Mi-Ma-tale land of the supposed 100% security.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tired And Palpitations

Trust is good ...

leaderboards, rankings also called on Denglish, arranging for us a variety of offers. Not only products are compared, but also firms, educational institutions and trust in professions. Let's take a look in the "European Trusted Brands 2010" , a large European consumer survey by Reader's Digest publisher. Since the interested reader that the firefighters Europe's most trusted. While in most countries have placed 84% to 97% of respondents to the fire "pretty high" or "very high confidence", in Portugal there are only 75%. Seems it always happens that the firefighters burned at the annual forest fires fingers.

is clearly greater the gap between the confidence levels in the police. While confidence in Germany 80% of respondents in the police in Russia only 18%. Interestingly, 30% of Russians trust their judges. Impressive numbers. If you think that in Western Europe would be something impossible to read the need to trust in Belgium, only 34% and in Portugal, only 23% of the judges. Among the Germans least 60% have trust in the legal spokesman. It's really amazing that in Germany the police officers more familiar than the judges. If the people the German courts too lax, because again not a murderer or child molester, tarred as in the "good old days", and feathered, hanged himself whacked, quartered or pinned at least for the rest of his life in the darkest dungeon was?

car seller in Europe enjoy the trust of only 7% to 20%. At the bottom are finally politicians. In every European country surveyed you trust the car dealers more than the politicians, except in Sweden.

Appalling that politicians in democratic Europe enjoy so little trust. Maybe the politicians should just a little more like the fire works. Maybe it's enough in the bright red company cars driving around with blue light, which suggests haste and determined approach. How much is

judges and politicians' confidence probably their remoteness. No politician or judge shall be by dialing a telephone number within 20 minutes at the scene. And the problems have to edit the politicians are not so unique solution, as the police or fire department. If it's burning need water when it is riot batons and tear gas on it. But how can a just Building society? It is what a lot of wrong and anyone is or feels increasingly disadvantaged.

strange is that (natural) scientists has not been included as a profession. Would not it be interesting to know how things are in volltechnisierten times like today, with all the vague fears of nuclear, electromagnetic pollution and genetic engineering to maintain confidence in the scientists? So I am working tomorrow.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Polite Answer To A Tender Invitation

marketing goal Jihadist

other day on YouTube. I just wanted to be a bit of studying Islamic fundamentalism in moving pictures, as my eye fell advertisements. If YouTube is the advertising displayed no accident but is in line with the keywords the potential interests of the user adjusted.

first I started on YouTube for "Allah" to search. The following banners still life shows several interesting marketing strategies.

First, a dating service. We will get to know the same, an increase of it. But even more interesting than the "Muslim Personal Ads" Google's advertising is right in the video window. In a bold act of guerrilla marketing attempt here is another great missionary religion in Allah's followers to poach: promotes Jesus. Clever, because who Allah is looking for, perhaps still undecided and may also interested in the Lord Jesus.

If we now for "Jihad" (also in English spelling) are demanding products and services would appear that might interest a Jihadist. Clearly, the jihadists of today is usually young, male, and thus to the brim with testosterone. So here would be a Muslim dating and as appropriate as it is,

should actually dating Islamic societies are in a much more rewarding business, as in the Christian West. Quite simply, because it already can be married men still clients of such mediation. Strictly speaking this is true also in the Christian West. For example, customers of e-mail provider GMX advertisement for a service, the "sex meetings" with Julia (24) are presented.

course, also suitable for long-married and just determination on Springer.

the bird in the advertising of the Jihadist shoots, however, the Promotion of a lingerie manufacturer, right in the video window from:

"Schiesser underwear" ... for Schiesser, one might add appropriately. To lure and jihadists in Iraq or Afghanistan is remote, the online shop to order also reviews.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

English Place Names Cryptic

Eat half

In the EU in general and Germany in particular, nutrition labeling of foods is voluntary. But not if the food contains nutritional information and advertising is done with such information. Who wants to sell his salami then marked "sugar" and "high fiber" and turns even advertising, to say, "enjoy our low-sugar and high in fiber salami-hearted", which must indicate the nutritional values of sugar and ballast open on the salami and some minimum standards and conditions. Low sugar high fiber and may call the salami, if g in 100 of its more than 5 g sugar and at least 6 grams of fiber are included. Are there such Salamis? Fast. I have recently seen as a salami, which brought it to 0 g sugar and at least 2 grams of fiber per 100 grams of salami. The only thing missing to this salami as a healthy snack, because sugar-free and high in fiber, to bring out are just a few more shavings.

Returning back to the beginning. Nutrition labeling of foods is strictly voluntary and therefore it is of course not be trusted. For example, here is the vegetarian pizza from Lidl. Everybody can stand on the following:

who only looks at the numbers of states that the data refer to half a pizza! Well actually it is expected that an adult eats an entire pizza alone. Ie, pizza alone already covers 60% of the daily allowance for adults (!) Of salt. Considering how popular is pizza at children and young people, you do not need to worry about that corrupts the youth, then cured as it is.

Probably based Lidl the information only on half a pizza, because you're not the customer wanted to enjoy the pizza too salty ... but in fact it does.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rash With Hypothyroidism

Prepaid psychology

last push I refers to the following display:

This is the new service economy, psychological counseling and coaching is only one phone number removed. When you lovesick again or stress, not the good old pencil biting, but just call. If you follow the link to get to the page of "open ear

The abbreviation ". Com" indicates that this is about commerce, more specifically grief commerce. The advisory range is vast, of courses such as "flirt-Training" and "talent development" rather small crises, such as "lovesick" or the desire for an interview "from man to man" to the big fish like "loneliness / isolation" and "suicidal". There's really something for everyone who is willing to pay 1.86 € / min (landline) and 1,99 € / min (mobile). Who wants to exchange words from the fixed network, for example for two hours "from man to man" has to fork out € 223.20. One hour "Flirt-training," quickly taken over the phone to address the beauty opposite the cafe fails with € 119.40 to book.

2.0 This company is strange. Since you have 300 friends, according to Facebook, but no one listens to him to call love, grief, or lead to a discussion of "man to man". Instead, it tends to only the open ear 2.0.

Fits to the present time there are also the corresponding payment options, such as a prepaid account. His body is even absolutely necessary if one wants to speak longer than "about" two and a half hours with the consultants. What does this mean about the mentioned open ear 24th However, it should be such that the 0900 number, which practically unlimited Height on the phone bill by proposing no more than two and a half hours per month for a landline number to be reached. Anything beyond that must run on the prepaid account, so to advance.

I have time to search for a consultant made for tired of life. The result: five consultants, one in four could call and make an appointment.

Because it means for me to prove as a potential suicide patience to spot out on the window sill and like any other appointment. But hey, maybe Robert Malzan is equally free. With him there are as many as 15 free minutes. An introductory offer for the life-weary customers.

course, one could also call the telephone counseling. There'll be talking with volunteers and it is free or the Telecom pays the costs. Yes, yes, who would have thought, the "Yellow Monster" has a small social streak. So I think I would always call in an emergency in the telephone counseling, although their "Flirt-training" is not to be the best.