Monday, June 7, 2010

Tired And Palpitations

Trust is good ...

leaderboards, rankings also called on Denglish, arranging for us a variety of offers. Not only products are compared, but also firms, educational institutions and trust in professions. Let's take a look in the "European Trusted Brands 2010" , a large European consumer survey by Reader's Digest publisher. Since the interested reader that the firefighters Europe's most trusted. While in most countries have placed 84% to 97% of respondents to the fire "pretty high" or "very high confidence", in Portugal there are only 75%. Seems it always happens that the firefighters burned at the annual forest fires fingers.

is clearly greater the gap between the confidence levels in the police. While confidence in Germany 80% of respondents in the police in Russia only 18%. Interestingly, 30% of Russians trust their judges. Impressive numbers. If you think that in Western Europe would be something impossible to read the need to trust in Belgium, only 34% and in Portugal, only 23% of the judges. Among the Germans least 60% have trust in the legal spokesman. It's really amazing that in Germany the police officers more familiar than the judges. If the people the German courts too lax, because again not a murderer or child molester, tarred as in the "good old days", and feathered, hanged himself whacked, quartered or pinned at least for the rest of his life in the darkest dungeon was?

car seller in Europe enjoy the trust of only 7% to 20%. At the bottom are finally politicians. In every European country surveyed you trust the car dealers more than the politicians, except in Sweden.

Appalling that politicians in democratic Europe enjoy so little trust. Maybe the politicians should just a little more like the fire works. Maybe it's enough in the bright red company cars driving around with blue light, which suggests haste and determined approach. How much is

judges and politicians' confidence probably their remoteness. No politician or judge shall be by dialing a telephone number within 20 minutes at the scene. And the problems have to edit the politicians are not so unique solution, as the police or fire department. If it's burning need water when it is riot batons and tear gas on it. But how can a just Building society? It is what a lot of wrong and anyone is or feels increasingly disadvantaged.

strange is that (natural) scientists has not been included as a profession. Would not it be interesting to know how things are in volltechnisierten times like today, with all the vague fears of nuclear, electromagnetic pollution and genetic engineering to maintain confidence in the scientists? So I am working tomorrow.


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