The financial markets are in crisis because the top managers have speculated top notch in this area. verspekulieren But is also nothing more than to make a wrong prediction.
It is also the astrologer pointed, in particular the stock market astrologers. A particularly "successful" is Börsenastrologe Winfried Noé, where he also sold in all other areas of life astrological predictions. This master of his trade will have the current financial crisis surely be reliably predicted, right? Well, about as reliable as the German Railways in the winter: for the stock market in 2008 was Noé newspaper Euro am Sonntag the forecast that the DAX would rise by the end of five to nine percent. Instead the DAX fell from 8045 points to the commercial end of 2008 to 4810 points so around 40%. Since the Noé has but in fact contravene the first astrologers rule: Just do not give details! Astrologers have liked to stress that there can be no exact predictions, they were not serious. When they sell a lot more serious, however their vague visions of future events.
After Noé has the DAX 2008 so used to Astroklo, it is surprising that he in the show Talk at Hangar-7 of the Austrian private TV channel claimed Servus from 06.05.2010. He says he's in a book that he brought out in June 2007, written well that this massive financial crisis will begin in fall 2008. Well, this is fitting that the theme of the talk show "Great theories" treated. This is, of course, clever: the Euro am Sonntag said Noé 2008 requires a quiet trading year with respectable returns, while he sees break out elsewhere, his book, a massive financial crisis. Since it can hardly be wrong. In the said book, it will probably act to be in June 2007 published book "Leading through Astrology. I'm looking at tomorrow times more accurate.
Well, but that is with the astrologer. Who else in the future for possible holds, which is always right, or almost always wrong, depending on whether one counts the hits or the rivets.
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