Friday, November 26, 2010

Do I Get W2s For Nys Disability

The "German-only experiences AN: humiliation by SPD

is here today in the world under the title. "SPD in crisis - a humiliation People's Party," What occurs to me here Actually, just A time to sue to offend. What besides me still at least hundreds of thousands have a right.
humble, humiliate and to pay for it also can = this is the policy of the SPD against the people whom they purport to represent their interests.

This party has brought generations of so-called little people to the performance of their working lives. Someone had the bad luck, which also fell over and under Hartz4, the parties had resolved their life insurance, no matter what brought them to surrender value. Grandfather had a little saved up for his grandchildren, or completing an education insurance, had died and the insurance was as to the daughter or son Erziehungsberchtigten the grandson of the management had to resolve this this insurance, or sell the accumulated funds. Had someone bought a private pension (like me), for example by a condo, it had to be sold, proceeds irrelevant. The same applies if the house itself worked out, or flat according to the requirements of the legislative work to Hatz4 überdimoensioniert. Then had to be sold. W
It benefited the banks, insurance companies and the people that such values had not purchased, or have never paid into the Sozaisystem. Here zuvördert the so-called immigrants. Because they have never paid into a social wel, they have to prove anything, they may well in their home country level have such values. not
Since the SPD ruled, they take everything in laws back from her reign. And say also, whether exceptions from the nNachteile Hartz4 had suffered.
If so - why then pays the exception does not return to what you have deceived them?

And before the actual legislation in Germany THE WORLD writes about the "humiliation of the People's Party, SPD. This is a pure insult to all that, being chased by the policies of the SPD today, to be drawn again to have blood and even ridicule must by statements such as: Why not sell their apartment, but then They receive ALG II benefits.
Why you because no debt? In the legal framework but we pay the interest on your loan. Etc.., Etc.


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