Sunday, March 6, 2011

Maybelline Blushing Bride Swatch


Diesmal stand ein Spaziergang im Pfengsbachtal auf dem Programm.

an hour, maybe hour and a quarter, not more.

The Pfengsbachtal now knows not everyone under that name. The Pfengsbach flows at Altenberg coming through the forest of Neschen and Scheuren. (Close is also the Scherfbachtal, sh as the contribution in the citizen portal IGL ..)

Today, the Tour was in sunny cold Vorfrühlingsnachmittag: the sun shone on the head, it felt warm and mild, was one in the shady forest, it was still quite fresh. The temperature display muttered something about 5 degrees Celsius. After all, plus.

marched from one of Scheuren K28 a little direction Odenthal on the county road, then turn right into the forest and goes down in the direction of Altenberg. The trail then leaves later in the A7 valley in small ponds the street and you walk through the just mentioned Pfengsbachs Valley.

The climb towards the end is a bit steep, but in Scheuren waits - at least according to the annual closing off again (Ash) Wednesday - the guest house Heuser for customers. The salads are there to recommend at least very ...

Also worth reading:


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