Friday, March 4, 2011

Full Board Means

New Top Level Domains 2012

New Top Level Domains on the web from 2012 planned
Source: united-domains ( https: / / www. / )
Let's see something in the future. In 2012, after a series of momentary flatness to new so-called Top Level Domains (TLD) will be released. What are the proven method TLDs such as. Com or. "De", then perhaps "Berlin.". "Bayern" or ". Bergisch Gladbach" can be. (Well, the international bodies have my knowledge of, or advised not to date ... "Bergisch Gladbach." Bensberg. "Immekeppel.")

more example on the subject here:
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[By popular request from friends who had traveled to Barcelona here for a change of the above text at once Catalan. In any case, so good, how does the internet translation tool / German / Catalan-German / ...]

Anem a alguna cosa Veur en el futur. El 2012, Després d'una serie de planitud momentània called for new top level domains (TLDs) will be released. What are the top-level domains as a proven method. As o. "From", then perhaps "Berlin" .. "Bayern" or ". Bergisch Gladbach" can be. (Well, my knowledge of international organizations. "Bergisch Gladbach". "Bensberg" or ". Immekeppel" not recommended at present have ...)

Read more about the subject, for example, here (in English and German):


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