Friday, January 7, 2011

What Is The Top Speed On A Honda 400ex

me it

13:05. I shudder. Come straight just returned from the meetings I at Office of Social Services - Representative for citizens - had. William Adam. And the purposes of pure irony and sarcasm I write: And a poster hanging in the office: Slogan: RED CARD reciprocity.
would I actually do not have to go there because it's been just told me that I had to fault me on.
During the interview were seen in me ideas that look like jewelry, the Lord Adam but, in an SS uniform would. The Alp-dreams that will be set back at me are not I already feel uncomfortable.
But on one thing I am certain, this bearded, men by slitting the throats of other people - those men think the poster "Red Card for justice" as doe orrangiste task for citizens.
Merkwüdig: if all that I wrote to the woman senator, to 2 / 3 has nothing to do with the Office of the Lord Adam - why it is called for in the invitation letter "jurisdictional sake"?

Either way, this appointment is another confirmation: ALG II (Hartz4) and the German social legislation, the new edition continuation of the (economic) Holocaust.
Even so can destroy people.


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