Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Driver Dell Sunetfree Optiplex Gx 620

Dr. Hamer alias Dr . Strangelove

Dr. Hamer is the founder of the so-called Germanic New Medicine (GNM). That does not sound random to "salvation (e) Hitler," maintains Dr. Hamer but a typical brown paranoia: "The Jew" was behind him, steal his revolutionary ideas and trying everything, they deprive the master race, that they misery why go. Hamer said his

GNM can cure cancer among other things. Cancer but had no abnormal cell proliferation, but only a biologically meaningful special program, triggered by a conflict. For example, someone is going through agony, it can lead to conflict that lung tissue proliferates. Biologically is the sensible, since more lung tissue leads to greater endurance, which is exactly what you need to get to the conflict, the one threatened with death to escape better. Heart attacks, he explained in a similar way, and AIDS is nothing more than an allergic reaction.

on 14/01/2010 Hamer gave the program "Report Munich," an interview. The contribution that the report made it, found among supporters of the GNM little appeal.

We went in the report with an interview with Dr. Hamer, which was conducted in a Norwegian hotel. As there also told that lasted about an hour. This was cut together on a few paraphrased sentences so that the viewer had the impression of a confused old man.
But Hamer, with a Nordic cleverness, had recorded the interview itself and posted on the network . Too bad that the impression of a "confused old man" in this 7-part interview is much stronger than the contribution of report. In Hamers recording, you can study the most of the trials and tribulations of a man with advanced size and paranoia. I took the liberty to clarify some of the deceptions of the interview by video response.


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