The interest of homeowners in the draw of your houses is increasing enormously in the world in times of financial crisis. If this is legally allowed in Germany?
What in Austria and the U.S. already become a successful model is to achieve for the home, despite the financial crisis and real estate market value and avoid a financial loss, are problematic in view of the German lottery monopoly in this country.
While the Austrian authorities, a non-commercial lottery, which only serves the purpose of the one-time sale of a home, tolerate, this is not allowed under German law. Lotteries which fall in Germany under the concept of gambling are strictly subject to the prohibition of illegal gambling public acc. § § 284 ff StGB. According to § 287 of the Criminal Code to make one punishable, without official authorization of public lotteries or lotteries movable or immovable property (ie including real estate) organized and / or advertise this. Also on the 1st January 2008, which came into force Gambling Treaty contains in § 4 para 1, a prohibition of the organizer and conveying illicit gambling. For such a clean house raffle is also no official permission to be granted in Germany.
is legally interested property owners in Germany, therefore only the possibility of her house as part of a game auszuloben as profit. For in contrast to the gambling games of skill are not subject to the criminal Prohibition of § § 284 ff of the Criminal Code and are not included within the State Treaty on gaming. The first German house owner has now made the step to offer his house in the Munich area as the main prize in a lottery. He was advised in the preparation of the concept of the competition and the sense of an arcade game from the Registry ARENDTS LAWYERS (
Gewinnsiel This provides in particular a number of quizzes related to TV quiz shows (as a skill game) before, until eventually leaves only the best participants remained. Among these participants will then be raffled off 100 prizes of a notary public, of which the house of the main price. In this configuration significantly outweigh, in our opinion the skill percentage, so the competition is classified as a total game of skill, said the lawyer Mrs. Alice Wotsch of the Registry ARENDTS LAWYERS.
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