Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Brk Smoke Detectors 4919e
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Nordictrack Exp2000i Repair
other day I saw a video presentation by Vera Birkenbihl about how media form our opinion. Cited Birkenbihl woman, from the book "What is an entrepreneur?" By Prof. Eberhard Hamer. Then the middle class more than 80% would take account of the public finances. Mrs. Bikenbihl echauffiert about the fact that the entrepreneurs have the middle class, despite this important role in the company such a bad reputation. I now get riled about women's views Birkenbihl uncritical acceptance the testimony of the middle class pays 80% of all state taxes. Perhaps it is because women Birkenbihl a business woman herself to the middle class too. Because we also believe in times like large projected numbers if they have a self as a (n) appear hero (in) work. Here are my own (very middle class-friendly) assessment.
If you look at the tax revenue of the Federal Republic in 2007 , we can see, first, that the following taxes at all not paid by medium-sized companies:
sales tax (better known as a value added tax): 31, 5%
payroll taxes: 24.5%
tax: 4.3%
tobacco tax: 2.7%
power of: 63%. That is, the middle class pays more than 37% of tax revenues.
Hamer is one reasonably well the contributions to government revenues. But even under the completely unrealistic assumption of all employees would be working for the middle class, the SMEs would bear only 50% of the contributions.
Now let's see how to beat the percentage of government revenue (tax and social security) than the middle class pays: In 2007, the tax revenue around € 538 billion. The middle class has paid more than 37% of them, or about 199 billion €.
Social security measures in the same year about 476 billion € . The middle class has paid more than 50% of them, or about 238 billion €.
The State therefore has taken € 1 014 billion and of this, the middle class pays a maximum of € 437 billion. This corresponds to 43%. Far from the 80%, the middle class lobbyist Prof. Eberhard Hamer likes to wear in front of them and that is hawked on the homepage his think tank, the Central Institute of Lower Saxony state.
To explain the 80% Prof. Hamer recalls in his book "What is a sub Hemer" on one of his earlier writings, "Who funds the state?" Of 1982. A (legal) freely accessible exposition of his bills, which seeks to lead the 80% to the net, unfortunately in vain. But even in "What is an Entrepreneur" to get a clue as to how he could have expected.
Hamer says simply: the tax and social security, number of employees of small businesses are ultimately also contributions of the middle class. This may be formally correct, because if the middle class would not be were it not for the wages of these employees. Conversely, however, that the Medium without the employee would have never earned so much money. Hamer assesses the performance of the company rose indeed higher than those of its employees. But not an employee of a contractor gets more salary than his job performance value. The employee has earned his salary so that Hamer and it imputes to the principal leaves me free to call Shakespeare: My not yours? That is the question!
Descargar Native Expansion
other day I had a package in the supermarket Polish raw sausages (Kabanos) in the hand and indulged one of my secret pleasure: I studied the fine print on the back. I struck for the first time on the sausage-paradox:
How could it be that Kabanos 100 g, 110 g pork meat containing? It would not surprise me if there had been 100 g Kabanos contain 90 g and 10 g pork fat, salt and traces of peanuts, which was also everywhere else in there. But no, there were 110 g in 100 g of sausage meat.
I thought to myself: The makers of this should even make sausage Trunks: When you give up your luggage at the airport would be the case then calmly put on the scales and proudly proclaim: 20 kg suitcase containing 30 kg of laundry! That would be something.
I now looked specifically whether the sausage paradox in other meat products occurred and in fact, as this mini-salami:
But the sound was different: 100 g 135 g salami made from pork. Now I began to realize that the brothers Kabanos not yet undermined the physical laws of conservation of mass, but had expressed only unclear.
My guess: In the production of the sausage, the pork is dried so that the original 110 g or 135 g pork, after drying, ie, with less water, only 100 get wrinkled g g minus X on the meat scale. The X then set g of bacon, spices and determined together traces of peanuts.
The sausage-paradox Incidentally, can give an indication about the quality of the meat. The Mini-Salami was obviously hergesstellt pork with a relatively high water content, compared with the flesh of Kabanos. A high proportion of water in the meat may be an indication to be of low quality meat.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Kingdom Of Wombadvilleu
Alpecin Caffeine Shampoo C1
This chart is virtually meaningless! It is a comic, which one wants to give by the coordinate system and the scale marks a scientific touch. A linear increasing curve shows that any (?) Amount of caffeine was recorded. Slightly more information is it on the side of the manufacturer, Dr. Kurt Wolff. As found, for example this image (nachgemahlt for legal reasons, a well-known spreadsheet program):
Here are at least even numbers on the vertical axis ... but you can not learn how much a unit has caffeine. And where are the two minutes of the diagram on the shampoo bottle? This can not be said! The problem: the ticks suggest that the scale is linear (with a time scale as this would mean that between two adjacent scale marks is always the same amount of time). But in fact the scale is pieced together randomly. The problem is illustrated in the next picture:
The red question mark to indicate that in the area between the times (0 min, 10 min, 30 min, ...) can not be seen as the scale develops . So you can not see where are the two minutes. What you see, however, is that the shampoo safe side should be 10 minutes to record a large part of the caffeine. experiences
But what we learn not :
- caffeine can stop hair loss?
- If so, ranging from the 2-minute recorded caffeine?
In a study from Berlin to Alpecin that caffeine was a shampoo (it's just the shampoo, which is available to buy).? actually in the hair follicles of people entering
The study was not examined whether this hair loss has stopped , although that would have been really interesting but also more expensive and risky.! would indeed came out that the caffeine shampoo the Hair loss is not stopped, it could not sell even the most serious coffee addict (at least not at the price as at the moment). Instead, one looks to whether caffeine is from the shampoo into the hair follicle. Yes, it does. Then you combine this result with the results from the test tube that caffeine to offset the harmful effects of hair Testoron or its breakdown products to hair could and voila, done is the indirect evidence. Good enough for cosmetics, but of course no proof of efficacy. If there were a proof of efficacy, which was held to review for approval as a drug, the shampoo would certainly sell more expensive than medication in the pharmacy.
Conclusion: It is not known whether caffeine helps against hair loss. Until you know it, sold Alpecin ever for expensive money the hope that it could be so . Concern to the product but the certainty of Alpecinwerbung is "bald Prevention with caffeine?" or "men given the choice: (a caffeine-) Scratch or bald?". But in fact, caffeine is not an anti-baldness-guarantee, but more of a scratch-off lot.
now bicker even before court whether Alpecin advertising for caffeine as an effective protection of bald, not misleading.
Unable To Sever Mount And Blade
Fear of baldness is a good opportunity to earn money by praising shampoos and hair lotions, which, in the case of (off) fall, promise, just to be able to stop this. Of course, the customer should be convinced to buy a very powerful product to stress and so resplendent on packets send graphics, the science and effectiveness should, but actually clean rags science. Here's an example:
Wow! That looks pretty good. The graph suggests that with Aminexil only be even half as much hair. But this is wrong and that can be detected easily, as it has labeled Elvive either stupidity or honesty, the vertical axis. This is one of the rare cases in which the honest sometimes is of course the stupid one. Elvive here used the trick of "suppression of the zero point" . The zero point is omitted from the graph that is. If he were here, the graphics would look like this:
Who would have with this display yet convinced by the manufacturer stating that there are with Aminexil "significantly less hair in the hair-loss phase? Now sees it more clearly: Without Aminexil a 40% drop from the hair, with Aminexil too!
would be interesting in this context to know whether this mikrige distance increases with the duration of the demonstartion or schrupft. Here the Aminexil has been tested only 6 weeks. Most men are likely to want to keep their hair but longer.