Ironically on the day of L ove, the millions used Internet search engine Google on the L waived on their behalf. Or not? Google jazzes up its own logo on the front page for special occasions like Valentine's Day as just recently. To be replaced one or more letters with symbols or objects - such as an O on a Halloween pumpkin. Valentine's Day, the G appeared as Strawberry, whose chocolate to a heart and remember to floss in streaks down in order to form the G typical for the small bow. That this was very successful and chic came along, probably, no one doubted. However, at first lacked the right neighbor of the chocolate fruits mutated G, namely L. As Google then later in the day announced that the L is gone but did not, but mutates into a style of strawberry. It would also have to recognize the advanced user, because the L is at Google have always been green. With a little imagination can the make up actually. Since midnight, Google seems definitely back to normal, without strawberry, chocolate and definitely not with L. (Source: Sueddeutsche.de)